Here are some photos of the ducks first swim, which was actually about a week ago, but I'm just now getting around to posting the photos. I wasn't planning on getting in with them, but it was a lot of fun.
People told me that ducklings would be smelly and messy. It turns out they were telling the truth! The ducks have now moved outside because they are so stinky. I have never seen another animal make such a mess. They are tiny poop catapults. However, since they are so much cuter than most other animals, I don't really mind it, but they definitely needed to be moved to the outdoor aviary. Luckily it has cooled off a little from last weeks 115 degree temps.
We've been getting a lot of okra, which I love, but I understand that most people may not like it. I learned that in a lot of cultures, people grow the okra and dehydrate it, then crush it into a powder that serves as a thickener for other recipes. That as well as it's pretty hibiscus flower are great reasons for people that hate okra to grow it. :)

I'm jealous of your okra. I've had nothing but burnt plants this season. I think the shape of my yard (long and narrow) is not an ideal climate for vegetables. I'm considering giving up on the summer garden and only sticking to the winter fare.
I'm jealous of your ducks!
Jamie- I thought okra was much more tolerant than it is-- it seems to be heat tolerant, but not sun tolerant. I planted in different places around the yard just as an experiment and the plants that are doing best are the ones that get afternoon shade, as well as some morning shade. Maybe you could put up some sort of shade screen awning over your garden for summer?
Glad to see the ducks are doing well. Its exciting to see Camilla and Mocha's babies doing so well. My baby ducks lived in the bath tub for a few weeks because it was easy to clean, but it definitely gets messy. Having them outside is much easier.
Admit it, Rachel, You just wanted an excuse to cool off ;-)
I grew up on okra - cajun roots. I make a sauteed okra (passed down from my mother) that I lay awake nights thinking about.
My husb has grown it in his garden but found it a pain to harvest. Must pick everyday or they grow way too long and dry up on the inside.
I had ducks for years and loved them so much. They become *lap ducks* if you baby them enough. It's kind of fun to walk around your yard with 3 or 4 ducks waddling after you :)
I am going to try Okra next year! It is such a pretty plant and I love stewed Okra.
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