This duckling was business from the word go, he/she busted out of the egg didn't stop to rest and tried to explore the incubator before she realized that she needed to learn to walk first. From what I've read it's best to leave the ducklings in the incubator for about 12 hours after they hatch, but this one only made it four before her propensity towards egg kickball (even after I set up dividers that no 3 hour old duck should be able to get around) got her a one way ticket to a separate brooder box. She's a great little duckling so far, chipper and friendly.
Another egg pipped this morning, I'm waiting on a hatch! The other two eggs don't seem quite as vigorous but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for them too.
So adorable!
congratulations on your new arrival!
Awwwww! Congrats! Whatcha gonna name the little one?
WOW! How exciting!!
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